Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hey Y'all!!

Well... here it is... the Sleepin' Bear Lodge and Farms' blog!  In an effort to get our name seriously out there... here's another attempt.  This blog will be dedicated to the happenings and just stuff going here on the farm.  We hope you can stop in from time to time to catch up on what we're doing and we're real glad you've taken an interest in what we've got our hands in to.  There's always something going on.

We're going to begin our journey with our 5th annual Dove Hunt held here on the farm.  We were even guests on Southern Woods and Waters on channel 5+ a couple of weeks back to help promote our event and cause.  You see, a generous part of our proceeds each year are donated to the Ronald McDonald House in our neighboring city of Nashville.  We think that giving back is one of the most important things you can do. 

Anyhow, the Dove Hunt is one dang good time with lots of friendly folk, good eatin, hunting and prizes galore!  We hope to have some pictures up in a day or two to show our friends. 

Hey.. we do have a website attached to the lodge and farms... http://www.sleepinbearlodgeandfarms.com/  pretty simple yet some have trouble finding it.  This blog is just a little extra touch on what we're up to. 

We thought you'd be interested. 

P.S. This blog is manned (or womanned) by Laurie Hulsey... Gary's daughter-in-law.  In case you were wondering.

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